Jun 22, 2022

Are you getting paid for all your work?

Accurate cost estimations and tenders are the basis for the success of your construction projects. A structured cost estimation saves time, money and energy. Read our tips to help you succeed with your cost estimations and tenders
Jun 22, 2022

Why you should use Geometra

Geometra allows you to save time, increase traceability and profitability, and avoid misunderstandings in your construction projects. A tool that you use throughout the project's life cycle, from tender to completion.
Jun 9, 2022

Top 5 Most Valued Cost Estimation Features in Geometra

Geometra is the calculation software that simplifies the bidding process and helps you create more accurate bids. It is so easy to use that you can learn to use the software in less than half an hour. Here are some of our most valued features in Geometra!
May 24, 2022

More profitability, fewer misunderstandings

– It's common in the construction industry for the production and estimation work to take place quite separately, which can put a spoke in your wheels during the handover phase. We would rather connect the cost estimation with the project implementation. When we created Geometra, we built it to make transferring information easier, says CEO at Rukkor, Fredrik Sjöbeck.