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Keyboard shortcuts in Geometra

What use do I have for keyboard shortcuts?

With the help of keyboard shortcuts, you can work faster in Geometra. There are plenty available in the program. We have gathered the most common ones here. Tip! The keyboard shortcuts are also available in the Geometra app and will appear when you hover the mouse pointer over buttons and other elements where keyboard shortcuts are available.

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Keyboard shortcuts in Geometra

<div class="version-tag">v5.0</div>

Shortcut and action

CTRL+1 = Select/Edit

CTRL+2 = Point

CTRL+3 = Line

CTRL+4 = Area

CTRL+5 = Circle

CTRL+6 = Freehand

CTRL+7 = Comment

CTRL+8 = Image

CTRL+0 = Scale

Space (Spacebar) = Move

Delete = Remove selected folders/measurements

CTRL+Z = Undo last point

ALT+R = Rotate

CTRL+C = Copy

CTRL+V = Paste

CTRL+D = Duplicate

CTRL+E = Export

CTRL+P = Print

ALT+Q = Toggle SnapOn

ALT+Click = Add a measurement point

ALT+Shift+Click = Remove a measurement point

F2 = Rename selected annotations

F5 = Reload page

CTRL+Scroll = Zoom in/out

Shift+Scroll = Move sideways

CTRL+Shift+R = Reload the current page, ignoring cached content

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