Geometra - v5.0.5

Geometra - v5.0.5

This is a minor update that fixes a few bugs and issues we've found and that have been reported to us. Quick and simple :)

Bug Fixes

  • [2564] Fixed a few localization bugs.
  • [2599] Fixed a bug where the search hotkey wasn't working consistently in template modals.
  • [2607] Fixed a bug where an error was thrown when the user gave invalid input in the page selector.
  • [2616] Fixed a bug where the group indicator wasn't always shown correctly in the modal for confirming the deletion of objects.
  • [2620] Fixed a bug where the estimate name wouldn't correctly update in the bottom navigation bar when the name was changed.
  • [2621] Fixed a bug where reductions weren't correctly displayed in some cases.
  • [2622] Fixed a bug where the estimate tree would crash when right-clicking an unsupported object.