New Update of Geometra – New Features and Partnerships

New Update of Geometra – New Features and Partnerships

We have released a new update of Geometra with several improvements! Among other things, we have initiated a new collaboration with EG SmartKalk (read more here). We can now also offer Elecosoft Bidcon's library of building components in Geometra (read more here).

Search and Replace in Rows

With this update, we are also introducing the Search & Replace function for content in your rows.

Restore Your Projects

You can now restore data from deleted projects, estimates, files, objects, and rows with the new Restore button. You’ll find it under properties to the right in the view.

Rukkor’s Own Row Library

If you’re missing a spreadsheet or calculation program, or just want to get started with rows quickly, Rukkor's row library is now available in Geometra. It contains ready-made calculations for material usage, with examples of various material types and sizes. You can use them directly, save your own variations, or modify them as needed. You will need to enable Rukkor's rows under settings. When you add a new row, you can select from the library and even create your own templates based on the rows. Rukkor’s own rows will gradually be added after the update on February 18th. Keep an eye on your rows!


• [2424] Added an option of "Empty" to filters in row columns.

• [2441] Implemented a Search & Replace feature for row content.

• [2515] Added a "Clear filters" button to the row toolbar.

• [2749] Implemented Rukkor as a data provider for row templates. All users can access these rows while inputting rows. Toggleable in settings.

• [2750] Added Elecosoft Bidcon as a new estimation tool in Settings.

• [2752] Row autocomplete component has been upgraded to only show data matching the current visible columns and added highlights to the segment for easier visual navigation.

• [2753] Implemented a restore feature for restoring deleted objects. Will only work for data deleted after the release of 5.1.

• [2754] Implemented a restore feature for restoring deleted files. Will only work for data deleted after the release of 5.1.

• [2755] Implemented a restore feature for restoring deleted estimates. Will only work for data deleted after the release of 5.1.

• [2756] Implemented a restore feature for restoring deleted rows. Will only work for data deleted after the release of 5.1.

• [2845] Implemented a restore feature for restoring deleted projects. This will work on all previously deleted projects all the way back to 2017, as project deletion was set to never be permanent in the initial development of Geometra 3.

• [2847] Added a new feature in Settings > Rows where users can choose which data they wish to enable in the row autocomplete components when inserting new rows into an object.

• [2903] Added three new exports with different use cases for targeting imports into Elecosoft Bidcon.

• [2914] Added a dedicated EG SmartKalk export, matching the use case for importing into EG SmartKalk.

• [2915] Added EG SmartKalk as an option for estimation tools under Settings > General. Includes markup of relevant columns using the EG SmartKalk logo to better guide users.

• [2916] A dialogue will now open asking users if they wish to change the row column settings to match the selected estimation tool when a user selects a tool under Settings > General.


• [2738] Upgraded the search model for the row autocomplete component to allow for 'fuzzy' searching. Users should no longer be required to input search text in exact order to find matches.

• [2747] Added a new column to the list of columns for Wikells Byggberäkning called "Byggdelsnr." (Segment no.). Also included in Wikells exports.

• [2751] Upgraded the component used for Rows, which should now allow for resizing columns by dragging the handle between columns.

• [2822] Templates should now be sorted alphabetically in the draggable toolbar dropdown.

• [2831] Selected sorting of columns in the project view should now be properly stored and restored on page reload/refresh.

• [2865] Moved the majority of user settings to the server instead of locally. This allows for user settings to persist when forced to clear the local browser cache. Cache clearing typically occurs during Geometra updates or support error tracking.

• [2928] Removed almost all limitations on which files can be stored in Drive. Executables are still prohibited.

• [2791] Removed unnecessary buttons from the Sign Up page.

• [2792] Added clearer copy to the Book Demo page.

• [2793] Updated links to YouTube videos. They now correctly link to English, Swedish, or Norwegian videos based on the chosen app language.

• [2890] Improved the sizing of the row autocomplete component to better fit available content.

Bug Fixes

• Various localization updates and improvements.

• [2731] Fixed a bug where rotating the PDF sometimes didn’t work.

• [2795] Fixed a bug where the "Fit to screen" function sometimes displayed the PDF as a tiny version.

• [2796] Fixed a bug that calculated joint volume incorrectly. This change is retroactive for all calculations and projects.

• [2816] Fixed an issue where rows from control folders weren’t highlighted in the same way as regular rows when selected.

• [2818] Resolved an error occurring when the Y-scale was created before the X-scale and CTRL was pressed during placement.

• [2829] Labels will now correctly follow the settings for the number of decimals shown.

• [2834] Fixed a typo in the Swedish localization.

• [2849] Fixed a bug where multiple instances of the "Clear" menu could appear in the control folder templates.

• [2858] Fixed a bug where rows weren’t correctly bundled when using templates and manual inputs.

• [2877] Fixed a bug where multiple rows were added when using a template to insert rows.

• [2879] Added missing parentheses around wall values on Area objects.

• [2887] Resolved an issue where inheritance was transferred to another user when two users worked together on a single PDF page.

• [2891] Fixed missing data in the JSON export.

• [2897] Corrected copy/paste functionality for Reductions.