The penultimate update scheduled for 2024 is here!

The penultimate update scheduled for 2024 is here!

This is a touch-up update aimed at improving minor features and fixing a few bugs in preparation for a major update in Q1 of 2025.

Note: The scale indicator will not automatically load for projects created before this feature was implemented due to technical limitations. To see it in older projects, please open the files and preview them to enable the scale indicator to load.


[2766] Duplicating a locked template will now set the new copy as unlocked by default.

[2778] Users signing up for a new account will now be instantly logged in after account creation.

[2782] Minor improvements have been made to the draggable toolbar for objects.

[2794] Editable columns are now consistently colored white, like other editable columns in rows, when using control folders.

[2798] Users can now use hyphens (-) in their names during signup.

[2851] Disabled the copy/paste buttons for objects in control folders to avoid confusion.

Bug fixes

[2748] Fixed a bug where the confirmation dialog was not shown correctly when moving objects into a control folder.

[2770] Fixed a bug where the scale indicator did not load correctly in some cases.

[2771] Fixed a bug where importing rows via the control code sometimes failed to properly link the rows.

[2773] Fixed a bug where updating templates did not always detect changes correctly.

[2774, 2775] Fixed a bug where importing via the control code sometimes created new categories even when they already existed.

[2777] Fixed a bug where copying and pasting objects did not always place them in the intended path.

[2779] Fixed a bug where replacing objects with a template replaced the name of the original object.

[2780] Fixed a bug where double-clicking an object and jumping to it caused the PDF to display with incorrect zoom.

[2781] Fixed a bug where setting a formula for a net value to 0 caused the selection summary of values to become 0.

[2786] Fixed a misaligned toolbar in IFC view.

[2839] Fixed a bug where rows using the Chapter column did not correctly combine and sum.

[2844] Fixed a bug where a row saved to templates from an object did not sum correctly with other identical rows used.