Top 5 Most Valued Cost Estimation Features in Geometra

Top 5 Most Valued Cost Estimation Features in Geometra

Geometra is the calculation software that simplifies the bidding process and helps you create more accurate bids. It is so easy to use that you can learn to use the software in less than half an hour.

Create and reuse objects

Far too many companies in the construction industry spend an unnecessary amount of time doing cost estimations. In Geometra, you store object cost calculations in a row library, meaning you can reuse them multiple times during a project. Examples of an object could be a driveway or an interior wall. Geometra can calculate the area itself using a simple measure, reducing the time required to perform cost estimations. In addition, you can use the object calculations at later stages in the project – when ordering materials or estimating the time required.

Using the row library

Spreadsheets create structure

If your object is a room, rows describe what should be in the room or the work to be performed. What material is needed on each wall, and how much of this material is required? Which steps must be completed before you can put up the wall? The calculation rows create a structure while working and can be used as a work description for each object.


Duplicate cost estimations

Once you have performed a cost estimation in Geometra, you can duplicate it for further use. An example would be using the cost estimation as a reference after it has been created and locked. The copy becomes your production cost estimate, where you make changes when work is added. As the changes are processed, you record them in the production estimate. It makes it easier to get an overview of the costs, allowing you to compare the tender (the original cost estimate) with the production estimate. You get an overview of which additions have been added during the work.  

Switch estimate

Set the status of objects or work steps

Geometra can be used throughout the project and helps you create an overview. By marking an object as completed, you can track different work steps during the project. An example of a work step could be a floor surface or an entire floor plan. With Geometra, it is easy to set the status of a work step as not started, ongoing, reviewing and completed. It creates transparency between production and project managers, enabling them to track the project's status in real-time.

Change status in Geometra

IFC in Geometra

When creating a cost estimation in Geometra, you can combine your 2D drawings with 3D models to get a complete estimate. Since you can use both types together, a complete package is created, simplifying handovers. IFC models can reduce misunderstandings between the different parties in many cases, as everyone involved gets a clear, visual overview of the project.

Use 3D models in Geometra

These are some of the features in Geometra that will make your cost estimation more efficient. Want to learn more?

Read about Geometras other features