You can try Geometra 5 already today

You can try Geometra 5 already today

The releaseof Geometra 5 is approaching, and we're really looking forward to it! We have a few small things left in the program that we want to fine-tune to make the experience as good as possible for you. We want to invite you to try Geometra 5 and leave feedback for us.

Open beta testing of Geometra 5 - log in here

You can now log in and use Geometra 5 by going to and using your regular login credentials tolog in. If you're particularly curious and want to start immediately, just login and go for it; all your projects are here. Your work is preserved in the beta and will remain even when Geometra 5 is released.

Important to know!

When you create a project in Geometra 5 or choose to use features from Geometra 5, such as the new templates, these projects will no longer work in Geometra 4. Thereare features missing in Geometra 4 that are not compatible with Geometra 5.Your work is preserved in the beta version and will remain even when Geometra 5 is released.

What's new?

As we've previously written and discussed, there's a lot new in Geometra 5. To briefly summarize the major features and what you can expect from the open betaversion, here's a list:

• Completely new user interface: More refined for clearer and easier use

• New templates for folder structures for Drive and Estimate

• New templates for control folders, these force objects of the same type to always be the same

• New templates for objects, create your own set of "tools" and set precisely what values objects should have when you place them

• New library for rows, set up rows in categories so you have better control over them and link them to object templates

• Webhooks: Specify an end point for the project so you can start streaming data from your Geometra project in real time wherever you want

• New language packs for Finnish, Spanish, German, and French

Feedback, please, lots of feedback!

We hope you'll find plenty of new interesting ways to make your life easier with Geometra 5! Your opinion is crucial to us. We'd love to know what you think is good, bad, strange, or unclear. With your feedback, we can continue to create a really good user experience that is easy to understand and use. Send your feedback to us via the tool at the bottom left of the program; you just fill out the form and provide your email address. You can also email us your feedback at – don't forget to mentionthat it concerns Geometra 5. If we have questions or thoughts about what you send us, we'll get in touch!

Join our Community

We have acommunity on Discord that you can join. Here you have the opportunity to talk directly with us and other users. Provide suggestions and feedback, and share your thoughts and ideas! Join by clicking the link: